Clachnaben Sunday Run from Glendye


Clachnaben Sunday run from Glen Dye start point.

Sunday 15. September at 09:30

Car parking for Sundays Glen Dye run is near Spital Cottage (ruin), and not the usual car park for Clachnaben. The grid ref is NO 64568 84398, and it's over 2miles South of the usual Quarry Carpark. Coming from the Banchory end of the Military road you'll cross Bridge of Dye, keep going past the snow gates up the hill, and down, eventually crossing a small bridge. Take the track dropping down to the river on your right hand side. The tracks a little rutted at the top, but smooths out after a few metres. Follow the track down and there's usually plenty of parking at the bottom. Suggest heading up Glen Dye and up to Mount Battock from the head of the Glen From there head back along the ridge towards Clachnaben. Folk can either do the full ridge, or escape back down into Glen Dye half way along the ridge. The only down side is that Glen Dye is a shooting estate and most of this run will be on broad access tracks with very little "off-piste".
It would be good to car chare meet Kingswells 8.40am usual place

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