Jamie Aarons talk University of Aberdeen


Jamie Aarons talk 24th February

Cosmic Hillbashers are delighted to welcome Jamie Aarons to Aberdeen on 24 February.Born and raised in California, Jamie has achieved numerous ultra running successes and in May 2023 she took on her most daunting goal yet – a continuous, self-propelled Munro round. Join Jamie for a talk on the highs and lows of one of Scotland's greatest challenges.MacRobert Building, University of Aberdeen. Doors open at 7pm, for a 7.30 start. A?ll profits from the event will be going to Jamie’s chosen charity, World Bicycle ReliefCosmic Hillbashers are delighted to welcome Jamie Aarons to Aberdeen on 24 February.https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/an-evening-with-jamie-aarons-tickets-753982169967?aff=oddtdtcreator

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